Wednesday 11 January 2012

Not just a blogger!

Dr Sarah Sargent not only should be known as another blogger in the issue of indigenous rights. She is also fully committed to active research in this area. This month we see the publication of one of her studies titled: “Transnational networks and United Nations human rights structural change: the future of indigenous and minority rights”, published by the International Journal of Human Rights 16.1 (2012).
International Journal of Human Rights
Here is what it is said about it:
This article examines the reasons behind the differing United Nations structural provisions for minority and indigenous rights. There is overlapping membership between these two structures, yet the indigenous rights regime is seen as very robust and effective compared to that of the minority rights regime. The article proposes a model to explain the difference based upon the effect of transnational advocacy network campaign pressure upon the UN structures. It make use of intersections of international law and international relations theory (which is very much a developing trend in international law research) to explore this.

Well done Sarah! 

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